Monthly Update for Microsoft Partners - September 2023

Monthly Update for Microsoft Partners - September 2023

We've carefully selected Microsoft's most significant updates over the last month, making sure you're always up to date.
01. CSP Legacy Commercial Subscription Migrations Reminder
02. Solutions Partner Designations Update 
03. Secure the Partner Ecosystem
04. Changes to Microsoft 365 and Teams Licensing in Europe
05. Upcoming Enhancements to CSP and CSP-Hoster Programs

01. CSP Legacy Commercial Subscription Migrations Reminder

Important Dates: Migrations begin in January 2024.
Impacted Audience: CSP subscribers and partners

In July 2023, Microsoft announced the migration of all CSP commercial subscriptions to a new system, starting in January 2024. This includes subscriptions used by Government entities worldwide. All migrated subscriptions will have an annual term, maintaining the same billing plan and seat counts as in legacy. Migration happens at the subscription renewal date throughout 2024, with partners having seven days post-migration for adjustments. Partners are advised to proactively manage migrations for customized terms and to engage with their ecosystem.

02. Solutions Partner Designations Update 

Important Dates: Effective September 19, 2023
Impacted Audience: Partners in the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program

Effective September 19, 2023, the qualification window for Solutions Partner designation extends from 30 to 180 days. Renewing partners can qualify within the five months before and the month of their anniversary date. New partners have 30 days post-qualification to enroll. This change allows flexibility even if scores fall below 70. For details, refer to the updated article in Partner Center.

03. Secure the Partner Ecosystem

Impacted Audience: Direct bill partners, indirect providers, and resellers

Microsoft introduces security enhancements for direct bill partners, indirect providers, and resellers. Notable milestones include transitioning admin privileges to granular roles, creating new customers with Default GDAP, and the discontinuation of DAP on October 9, 2023. Partners should request GDAP as needed, disable unnecessary DAP relationships, and use the bulk migration tool. 

Microsoft 365 Lighthouse enables GDAP setup for any customer tenant with built-in role recommendations tailored for Managed Service Providers. Partners can create GDAP templates to save settings they’ve configured and reapply them as needed.

04.  Changes to Microsoft 365 and Teams Licensing in Europe

Important Dates: Changes take effect on October 1, 2023.

Effective October 1, 2023, Microsoft is altering licensing in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, addressing feedback from the European Commission. A new lineup excludes Teams, offering standalone Teams for Enterprise customers. Existing customers can continue using their current plans. The change introduces EEA-specific suites and ends net-new subscriptions for existing Enterprise SKUs with Teams in the EEA and Switzerland.

05. Upcoming Enhancements to CSP and CSP-Hoster Programs

Important Dates: New offers start on October 1, 2023.
Impacted Audience: CSP partners, CSP-Hosters, and SPLA partners

Microsoft announces new offers and benefits for Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) and CSP-Hoster partners. Starting October 1, 2023, CSP partners can offer System Center subscriptions, and CSP partners can provide extended security updates (ESUs) for end-of-support versions of Windows Server and SQL Server. Customers can use ESU licenses for on-premises deployments or with Authorized Outsourcers, as well as apply them to license-included workloads from SPLA partners or CSP-Hosters.

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